Longeviti Earns ISO 9001:2015 Certification

Vibrant firm acknowledged as committed to quality and continuous improvement.

Sterling, VA – Longeviti is pleased to announce that, as of November 2017, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has certified our status against the standards for ISO 9001:2015 – Quality Management.

From the ISO website, some of the key benefits of the ISO certified Quality Management System are in allowing an organization to;

  • Work in a more efficient way as all processes will be aligned and understood by everyone in the business or organization, enabling increases in productivity, efficiency, and bringing internal costs down.
  • Meet statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • Identify and address the risks associated with an organization.

 In response to this momentous event, President/CEO Brandon Long commented:

“Longeviti is proud to have achieved this notable benchmark in its development.  At the heart of this certification is an organization’s desire to continually improve and that characteristic personifies Longeviti.  It shows that we put our customers first, making sure we consistently meet their needs and enhance their satisfaction.”

Longeviti, LLC, is a well-regarded, 8(a), minority-owned services and solutions firm located in the District of Columbia metropolitan area (Sterling, VA) with ongoing support operations with the U.S. Army, Department of Homeland Security, and association with several other federal and state government agencies.  It is also a certified vendor within Virginia’s Small, Women-owned, and Minority Owned (SWaM) program.

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Longeviti Earns Small Business 8(a) Certification

New roles and new approaches await this small but growing firm.

Sterling, VA – Longeviti is pleased to announce that, as of July 2017, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has certified our status as an 8(a) minority-owned firm.

From the SBA website, some of the key elements of the 8(a) program are;

  • The 8(a) Business Development Program is a business assistance program for small disadvantaged businesses.
  • The 8(a) Program offers a broad scope of assistance to firms that are owned and controlled at least 51% by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.
  • The 8(a) Program is an essential instrument for helping socially and economically disadvantaged entrepreneurs gain access to the economic mainstream of American society.
  • Participants can receive sole-source contracts, up to a ceiling of $4 million for goods and services as well participate in competitive acquisitions.
  • 8(a) firms are also able to form joint ventures and teams to bid on contracts, enhancing their ability to perform on larger prime contracts and overcome the effects of contract bundling.

In response to this momentous event, President/CEO Brandon Long commented:

“This is an exciting time for Longeviti, both the business and its family of supporting staff.  With this certification, we will be able to establish a stronger presence in the market and bid on an expanding array of prospects that might otherwise have been beyond our grasp.  And it is this expansion of scope that will benefit our staff by bringing new positions and growth opportunities to the individual while providing our customers with a competitive source of management talent and operations effectiveness.

Longeviti, LLC, is a well-regarded, minority-owned services and solutions firm located in the District of Columbia metropolitan area (Sterling, VA) with ongoing support operations with the U.S. Army, Department of Homeland Security, and association with several other federal and state government agencies.  It is also a certified vendor within Virginia’s Small, Women-owned, and Minority Owned (SWaM) program.

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First Ever Longeviti Humanitarian Award

Longeviti recently declared its first ever Humanitarian Award with the recipient being Mr. Jason McGowan, a member of the Longeviti Support Staff and a USAF Retiree.

President/CEO Brandon Long wrote the following information to each of the Longeviti associates:

 “It is my privilege and joy to bring to your attention the noble and commendable actions taken by one of your fellow employees.  One of our customer sites is located in Phoenix, AZ, where we support the Federal Protective Service.  Mr. Jason McGowan is Longeviti’s on-site representative there and it’s his act of humanity that I wish to bring into the spotlight.

Late in the evening of May 20th of this year, while driving in Tempe, AZ, he and his wife observed a woman in the center of the highway overpass, sitting on the guardrail with her feet over the edge and looking towards the traffic and street, some 75’ to 100’ below.  Without hesitation, Mr. McGowan stopped his vehicle and went to her aid.  Upon reaching her, he could see that she was despondent and contemplating suicide.  Impulsively, without thinking of the risk to himself, he grabbed hold of the woman and coaxed her back to safety while instructing his wife to call for police assistance.  When the police arrived on the scene, Mr. McGowan led the lady towards the patrol car while providing words of comfort.

If not for Mr. McGowan’s actions, and those of his wife, it is very likely the lady would have ended her life and perhaps that of some innocent on the freeway below.  He comes to Longeviti after retiring from the U.S. Air Force.  He unselfishly put his own safety at risk to help another human, demonstrating that service to the people of this great nation doesn’t end when the uniform comes off.

I want to publicly commend Mr. McGowan for his virtuous actions and display of concern for another and invite each of you to do the same.  I am proud to have him as part of the Longeviti team.”

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Longeviti Is Moving Offices!


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Small firm continues to take on bigger roles

 Sterling, VA – Longeviti, LLC, has been selected to support the Commonwealth of Virginia’s information technology efforts.  Effective April 2017, the nimble and growing firm signed on to provide staffing augmentation support services to the state’s Virginia Information Technology Agency in Richmond.  The services to be made available are wide ranging within the boundaries of information technology needs and include business analyst, database administration, project manager, programmer, graphic designer, technical writer, help desk, and procurement analyst.

 President and CEO, Brandon Long, shortly after signing contract, was quoted as saying “As a resident firm of Virginia, we are both proud and honored to serve the state.  We look forward to contributing to the prosperity of Virginians and supporting the government of the Commonwealth.”

 Longeviti, LLC, is a well-regarded, minority-owned services and solutions firm located in the District of Columbia metropolitan area (Sterling, VA) with ongoing support operations with the U.S. Army and association with several other government agencies.  It is also a certified vendor within Virginia’s Small, Women-owned, and Minority Owned (SWaM) program.

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Longeviti adds to management structure with new contract award

Presence at Ft. Belvoir continues to grow in scope and personnel

Herndon – Longeviti is pleased to announce the hiring of Derrick Jackson.  Mr. Jackson will be serving as the Project Manager for the Facility Support & Transfer Services contract at Ft. Belvoir.  He brings to Longeviti over 30 years of senior management experience in product management, computer maintenance, telecommunications, Information Technology (CIT) systems and network administration

 Originally from Philadelphia, PA, Mr. Jackson has been in the Northern Virginia area for the last 21 years working for notable companies as Anteon (now Anteon International Corporation) and Titan Systems Corporation providing support to the U.S ARMY in the areas of Program Management and Information Technology.  Additionally, Mr. Jackson served his country well as an Electronic Maintenance Technician in the U.S. Army, retiring after 20 years of faithful service at the rank of Sergeant First Class. He is the father of two and have been a loving husband for over 33 years. He prides himself as being very well disciplined, efficient and reliable.

 President and CEO, Brandon Long, remarked at a recent dinner event, “Longeviti welcomes Mr. Jackson to our growing family of technical support staff.  His anticipated contributions will only bolster the quality work we perform in supporting our customers.”

 Longeviti, LLC, is a well-regarded, minority-owned services and solutions firm located in the District of Columbia metropolitan area with ongoing support operations with the U.S. Army and association with several other government agencies.

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Longeviti, LLC broadens skills portfolio and customer base with acquisition of ADERON LLC

Young company steps into the new year boldly and confidently.  

Herndon, VA – On January 1st, Longeviti, LLC announced that it had completed its acquisition of ADERON LLC, a well-established Virginia firm specializing in document management services, information technology, and general administration support services to the federal government.  The terms of the purchase were not disclosed.  For the present, ADERON will function as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Longeviti.

From President and CEO, Brandon Long, “With this acquisition, Longeviti has taken a huge step in strengthening its foundation and its place in the market.  By bringing the two companies together we have carried out the first of many steps in our strategic plan to become a notable and valued services provider to the federal government.”

Longeviti, LLC, is a well-regarded, minority-owned services and solutions firm located in the District of Columbia metropolitan area with ongoing support operations with the U.S. Army, Department of Homeland Security, Patent & Trademark Office, and is in association with several other government agencies.

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Longeviti, LLC expands and strengthens its management structure to better serve customers and hasten market penetration.

Leadership bolstered by well-rounded, highly experienced executive.

Herndon, VA – Longeviti, LLC recently brought Terry Sargent aboard as its Senior Director of Enterprise Support Services with a focus on pursuing federal government agencies as customers. Mr. Sargent is a highly experienced and well respected executive with an extensive background in government related business and service to his country. His credentials include working for such notable firms as Westinghouse Electric (now Northrop Grumman), Raytheon, Honeywell, and General Dynamics in the roles of program management, business development, and quality engineering. Upon earning his Bachelor of Science degree from the U.S. Naval Academy, Mr. Sargent served his country as a Surface Warfare Officer in the Navy for a number of years, retiring at the rank of Captain. He is also holds Masters degrees from the University of Baltimore, Pepperdine University, Villanova University, and Central Michigan University. He is also an award winning author of two novels, a book on management, and a freelance writer for magazines and newspapers.

From President and CEO, Brandon Long, “We are very pleased to have someone of Mr. Sargent’s caliber onboard and expect him to push the company to new heights. His broad experience and education will be the catalyst that brings focus to our efforts and help us achieve our full potential.”

Longeviti, LLC, is a well-regarded, minority-owned services and solutions firm located in the District of Columbia metropolitan area with ongoing support operations with the U.S. Army and association with several other government agencies.

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